Wooden Stake – A Feast of Virgin Souls (2015)

Reviewer: Goldensundown

Band: Wooden Stake

Album: A Feast of Virgin Souls

Label: Razorback Recordings

Horror themed death/doom metal tends to be a style I’ve got a bit of love for; take horror, something I’ve got quite a hankering for, and throw it in with crushing, drawn out and doomy death metal – bands like Druid Lord, Hooded Menace and the psychedelic tinged Acid Witch are all pretty staple bands in that regard. That leads us to Wooden Stake, one of the many projects of co-owner of Razorback Recordings, Vanessa Nocera, with A Feast of Virgin Souls as the duo’s (including William Wardlaw on drums and guitars) sophomore studio release. As a fan of another of Vanessa’s death/doom projects, the now defunct Skeletal Spectre, I was keen to dive into A Feast… with the intention of finding a good foothold to get into Wooden Stake, but given this album I’m a bit unconvinced. Continue reading